NewsNong Khai

"Do not buy sound, do not attack, do not slander" ... "Chakritchai" candidate No. 3, Mayor of Tha Bo led the team "

"Chakritchai" Candidate No. 3, Mayor of Tha Bo led the team "New Power Group to develop Tha Bo Nam Mong", gave a speech to raise a policy requesting votes to the brothers and sisters. Confident as an alternative to people Ready to develop the town of Tha Bo on all sides.

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"Do not buy sound, do not attack, do not slander" ... "Chakritchai" Candidate No. 3, Mayor of Tha Bo led the team "New Power Group to develop Tha Bo Nam Mong", gave a speech to raise a policy requesting votes to the brothers and sisters. Confident as an alternative to people Ready to develop the town of Tha Bo on all sides On March 20, 2021, at the front yard of Tha Bo District Office, Mr. Chakrit Chaijomjang (Deputy Meo), the candidate for Mayor of Tha Bo, No. 3, led the team "New Power Group to develop Tha Bo Nam Mong" to address the election campaign. Along with proposing policies for the people in Tha Bo municipality to make an alternative decision With a large number of people paying attention to the speeches Chakritchai Chom Chaeng (Rong Meo), a candidate for Mayor of Tha Bo City, No. 3, said that the new power group policy to develop Tha Bo Nam Mong consists of Management policy Municipal administration under the principles of good governance Strengthen the capacity of personnel in the organization to serve the people. Create awareness and love for the hometown of personnel in the organization. Developing a municipal service system One stop service Education policy Develop an education system to meet the standards Efficient The establishment of an educational development center before entering the first level of education The establishment of an educational development center before entering secondary education The development of the capacity of teacher personnel to have quality, efficiency, development of modern teaching materials and educational equipment to develop students from kindergarten to sixth grade students, as well as establishing a receiving center. Send children home and school Creating an environment in an educational institution that is modern, suitable and clean. Public health policy Establishment of the Tha Bo Community Health Center Establishment of Day Care Center at Tha Bo Municipality To raise the level of service in the public health to meet the standard. Increase efficiency of public health personnel to serve the public. There are personnel in the public health area to take care of the quality of life of the people since birth, and have equipment and tools in the area of ​​public health to care for the quality of life for the people Increase the potential and develop the center for preschool children, kindergarten children and students from grade 1 to grade 6 Develop the Somdet Ya Park to be a sports center (Sport center), a center for organizing standardized sports events. Develop the Somdet Ya Garden to be a center for health (Health Center) as a center for exercise. Take a rest Development of Somdet Ya Garden as a center for learning plants, herbs or botanical gardens (Botanical Garden) as a learning center and a place to relax. Infrastructure policy Develop, improve and fix the entire water supply system to serve the people thoroughly. Developing a water supply system to serve people from waking up to going to bed efficiently Develop electrical systems in every alley, road system development to have traffic signs, warning signs, warning signs, amendment and development of plumbing systems in order to increase efficiency of service, fix, improve and develop road systems, gutters to increase drainage efficiency Connect as a network Economic policy Organizing activities to generate income under the policy to come and eat, come and travel in one place at Tha Bo (12 months) promoting and supporting the establishment of a commercial area to generate income, such as a walking market Community product distribution center Center for selling souvenirs, develop and improve Somdet Ya park to be a transit point or center for tourism It is a place to stay, car, travel and visit to pay homage to Somdej Ya. Visit the Municipal Sport Center (Sport Center) and the Botanical Garden for recreation. Social policy Development of a service system for people of all age groups From birth to death Developing quality and efficient service systems for the elderly Development of a cooperative management system between municipalities and government agencies and the private sector Preserving traditions such as Loi Krathong boat races, candle parades, etc. Political policy Providing knowledge and understanding of politics and government to the people Support the government in a democratic system with the King as Head of State. Support for the election of a democratic community president. Through the processes and processes that are accepted by the majority of the community. Political support and promotion with public and private agencies for the benefit of the people is established.

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