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Make merit with the Arhat Charity, merit, count anan, April 13 of every year is National Elderly Day.

Make merit with the Arhat Charity, merit, count anan, April 13 of every year is National Elderly Day. Surasak Kowsuphat, MD. Social Medicine Work Group Nongkhai Hospital.

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Make merit with the Arhat Charity, merit, count anan, April 13 of every year is National Elderly Day. Surasak Kowsuphat, MD. Social Medicine Work Group Nong Khai Hospital "The real Arahant is at home. We do not have to search hard for anyone, the old man and the wrinkled old woman. At home is The true arahant of the child. ”Problems in the elderly around the world More and more violent day by day But now the elderly have more hopes. Because people around the world began to recognize the importance of this problem. But that's just a good start. In fact, it requires serious, sincere and persistent cooperation from people around the world. This solution can be successful only if: All over the world people have to think that this is a problem for everyone. It's not a problem for a specific group of people. Everyone as they get older must become older. When it is a problem for everyone, everyone has to be involved in solving it. Help each other So that we may be happy when we reach an elderly age And there will be no suffering As well as the elderly At present, April 13 of every year is National Elderly Day. Seniors refer to persons aged 60 years and over, both male and female. The elderly are divided into 2 groups: the early elderly and the late elderly. Early elderly refers to persons aged 60-69 years, both male and female. Late elderly refer to a person aged 70 years and over, both male and female. According to data from the National Statistical Office, in 2011, Thailand has more than 8 million elderly people 60 years and over out of approximately 64 million people. Both about traffic accidents, smoking and drinking in the year 2553 from the civil registration database. Nationwide, there are 14,493 people over the age of 100 or called Satwansikchon. Dr. Nantasak Thammanawat, director of the Institute of Geriatric Medicine. The medical department said The health of the elderly is now worrisome. From the assessment found that 60-70% of people who go for treatment at hospital outpatient departments, the latest survey from 2008-2009. By the Health System Research Institute Found that the elderly are chronically ill The most common diseases were high blood pressure, 48 percent, diabetes 16 percent, and metabolic obesity 36 percent. Shocking numbers were found. The Thai elderly suffer from osteoarthritis relatively high, an average of 19 percent. It is estimated that now the Thai elderly Are facing osteoarthritis Causing joint pain Chronic swelling of about 1 million and 4 hundred thousand people is found in men, almost 2 times more than women. Elderly people have dementia 12 percent, or about 880,000 people, most of them in rural areas than in cities. As for eye problems Found in 21% of cataracts in occlusion. It was found that 53% of elderly men and women had fewer than 20 teeth in their mouths, with one in five wearing dentures the most being the elderly in Bangkok. It is now expected that there are elderly people who are not in good health. I can't help myself at all. They have to rely on others to care for 100 percent. Approximately 80,000 people have elderly people who are sick and can help themselves. Also known as the stay-at-home group, about 20 percent or about 1.6 million people and the remaining 80 percent of them are healthy seniors. Help yourself well This group includes people with chronic diseases as well. The important thing that the elderly want from their family is like a poem. Of the marriage story Which is the royal writing chapter of King Rama 6 which is as follows When the old man wants you to serve When the fever warns, you watch over When the day of death Hope your children close their eyes when they die. Parents are the most important person in the world. For children, parents are givers forever. Parents are the ones who create breath for their children. The essence of great love is Love from father and mother Phra Panya Nantaphikkhu He taught that Grateful people certify that There is no downturn in professional life. Naturally progress All the prosperity are lovers, father worship, mother care for our parents. Be grateful. To the birth parents With the utmost care and attention to you As much as possible According to our duty This is called to feed your heart. What will we do in return for your grace? If you are still living with us, your parents are the ones who are full of values ​​for your children, the elders are the ones who are full of values ​​for your family, community and society. Whether obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure. Hyperlipidemia, heart disease, amnesia, paralysis and diseases caused by lack of exercise, etc., with the most important causes are Improper and nutritious consumption Lack of exercise And stress, etc. We all have a need for parents. Especially the elderly Like this is Have good physical and mental health Living happily in society Free from disease and illness to visit If sick, then the illness is not severe. Can be self-reliant Have a good quality of life It also benefits the family, community and society, etc. The first thing that will enable us to achieve such needs is Having knowledge or an intellectual weapon Family members should treat the elderly, family members, whether they are grandchildren. Or relatives of the elderly The elderly should be treated as follows: 1. Help to take care of the elderly diet by preparing food that is easy to digest (because the teeth of the elderly do not work well). And the digestive system is not normal) should focus on eating fish and vegetables and fruits that are not very sweet. Avoid sugary fruits.Without fish, you can eat other meats, but not the oily portions. Do not eat offal And does not eat animal skins Avoid eating sugary, fatty foods, salty foods, fried foods, sweets, greasy and fried snacks. Avoid foods or snacks containing coconut milk. Avoid greasy or sweetened beverages. Avoid smoking and drinking all kinds of alcoholic beverages. Reduce or avoid egg yolks, offal. All kinds of animal skins, shrimp, shellfish, crabs, squid, reduce the consumption of sticky rice. Should eat one scoop at a time. Should reduce the consumption of starchy foods such as noodles, vermicelli noodles, taro, oily, because the starch will turn into sugar. And the sugar will turn into fat. Eating a lot of starch can lead to a lot of sugar and fat. Be careful with the food that your doctor has prescribed. Grandchildren must help each other to ensure that you do it properly. The secret to happiness, longevity, survival from paralysis, blindness, kidney failure, heart disease 1. Eat one ladle at a time. Apple, raw guava, raw mango, rose apple, jujube) 4. Contains protein foods such as fish, egg whites, lean meats. There is no animal and no animal skin. 2. Provide housing to suit the physical condition of the elderly, such as setting the bedroom on the ground floor of the house to prevent accidents from going up and down the stairs. Make a handrail to be attached to the wall so that it can support. Especially in the bathroom, toilet room and kitchen to prevent slippery and falling. Should provide every room It is well-ventilated, comfortable, clear, should provide various facilities for the elderly. Such as glasses for the elderly who have farsightedness Dentures replace old, broken teeth. With a cane to support when walking There are wheelchairs for the elderly who cannot walk on their own. In order to have the opportunity to move around easily, how should people in the community or society treat the elderly? People in society or community should treat the elderly as follows: 1. Should honor and respect the elderly in the community. By inviting him as a consultant Or being a member of various committees established by the community To get advice Get useful comments Because you have a lot of experience And has profound intelligence In addition, he also had time to devote fully to his work. And if you are a good person You may also be a good financial supporter of the community. 2. Help organize activities for the elderly, such as setting up an elderly club. To give the elderly an opportunity to meet and socialize and do activities together. Will make you not feel lonely or lonely Activities in the elderly club such as exercise, music playing, philanthropy, excursions, excursions. Elderly health contest Visiting with the elderly in the community Doing public benefit activities on special occasions such as Songkran Day or National Elderly Day. Should have a watering ceremony for the elderly in the community. To show love Respect for the elderly Organize New Year's Day activities Father's Day Mother's Day For the elderly who have the ability to benefit society. 3. People in society should be generous and provide assistance to the elderly, such as helping to get into the car or board the boat before other passengers stand up to the elderly. Help the elderly to cross the road safely When the elderly go to seek services at any location, they should first consider providing services to the elderly. Provide advice and answer health problems for the elderly. And provide annual health check-ups to the elderly separately Important knowledge Which the elderly Family and society people should know and apply to the elderly, namely 5 A. For the Elderly. Physical health problems that are common in the elderly, 9 main points for a bright life, old age, and tips to eat - how to live longevity, etc. (According to the concept of Dr. Sirinthon I Sirikarn) to everyone in society. Seriously and continuously follows. 1. The elderly are people who are full of value. There are countless grace to the whole family. Community and society 2. Help each other to promote and support Let the elderly live with dignity. 3. Do not let the elderly Live as "Little bird in a golden cage" 4. The elderly are the father and mother, not the children. Do not treat you as a child. Understand the elderly as well. Do not abuse, scold, scold the elderly. 5. How do we treat our parents? Our children will do to us like that. 6. What the elderly want from their family. Is like the royal writing of King Rama VI, which is as follows: When the old man wants you to serve When the fever warns, you watch over When the day of death Hope the children close their eyes when they are dead. 7. The elderly are outstanding people like Athid. Shines the lives of the masses, people everywhere It is hope, the power of morale to edify. Become a life, develop, grow, because you are the power of this society, can be life, can develop strength, is the value of the world. Secret to eat-stay How to live longevity Principles of good health There are 12 things that the club has lived in a hundred years as follows: 1. Promote the traditional way of life of Thailand. Primarily self-reliant And economical expenditures. 2. Promote social lifestyles in rural areas Promote natural agriculture People in the city should, because they grow vegetables to eat themselves in order to save and be safe from exposure to chemicals. It also helps to relieve stress as well. 3. Eat like Thai, cook your own food in the house. Stop eating Western and Chinese food. Because there is volume High in fat and protein Is the cause of obesity and many other diseases. 4. Eat brown rice or brown rice hands. Not eating bleached sugar (Should eat unbleached sugar Which will have a brown color), do not eat sweets Do not drink soft drinks. 5. Reduce the consumption of animal fat, animal oil, coconut oil, coconut milk and palm oil. Should use only vegetable oil. (Non-coconut oil And palm oil) 6. Do not eat more meat than necessary. Adults to eat no more than 100 grams per day. Children growing up. To eat no more than 200 grams per day. 7. Eat a lot of fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, because it is a source of minerals, vitamins and the power of life. 8. Do not eat junk food, such as noodles, sachets, crunchy snacks, do not drink alcohol, beer, wine or machine. Any other drink containing alcohol Campaign to drink soy milk without non-dairy creamer 9. Infant must be breastfed. Campaign to drink soy milk without creamer For those who desire longevity Should stop drinking milk Because cow's milk and butter dairy products To harm the body rather than benefit If you want to supplement calcium To eat dried shrimp, crispy fish, shrimp paste, fermented fish that are hygienically made tofu, white sesame and black sesame seeds, etc. 10. Exercise regularly. At least 30 minutes each time, at least every other day. Choose an oriental exercise such as tai chi, yoga, hermit, datta, etc. 11. Learn to relieve stress, practice meditation, refine your mind and spirit to be kind enough. 12. Learn how to maintain your health by yourself. Using different methods Of the holistic way of health Rationally Take medicine sparingly Modify your diet And behavior for recovery Health quickly. 5 principles for the elderly, A. First, which is easy to digest food, do not eat spicy meat, milk, eggs, vegetables, fish, variety, but the animal fat is better. Do not regret. The stairs and the floor are not easy to slip, the chair, the bed, has to sit and lie comfortably. Fourth, always good mood Common health problems in the elderly And tips for correcting. 1. Diabetes. Diabetic patients are at greater risk than others. In the event of paralysis, blindness, kidney failure, heart disease, for this reason, in order to prevent you from being paralyzed, blind, kidney failure, heart disease, the doctor would like you to Try to perform the following tasks: 1. Consume food properly. Should focus on eating fish and vegetables and fruits that are not very sweet. Avoid sugary fruits.Without fish, you can eat other meats, but not the oily portions. Do not eat offal And does not eat animal skins Avoid eating sugary, fatty foods, salty foods, fried foods, sweets, greasy and fried snacks. Avoid foods or snacks containing coconut milk. Avoid greasy or sweetened beverages. Avoid smoking and drinking all kinds of alcoholic beverages. Reduce or avoid egg yolks, offal. All kinds of animal skins, shrimp, mollusks, crabs, squid. Avoid eating sticky rice. Should eat one scoop at a time. Should reduce the consumption of starchy foods such as noodles, vermicelli noodles, taro, oily, because the starch will turn into sugar. And the sugar will turn into fat. Eating a lot of starch can lead to a lot of sugar and fat. 2. Regular exercise, walking or cycling without stopping for 1 hour *** or running continuously without stopping for half an hour. 3. Promote mental health. I only think what I think is happy. And help solve problems Optimistic Satisfied with what you have yourself, doing good, refraining from evil, worshiping monks, chanting and meditating (if knee pain Sitting in a chair) there should be stress relief. Have adequate rest And do not work too much. 4. Take medicine according to the advice of a doctor correctly and consistently. Do not miss a drug or take the drug intermittently. It will be very dangerous. 2. Disease, hypertension, high blood pressure patients. More risky than others In the event of paralysis, blindness, kidney failure, heart disease, for this reason, in order to prevent you from being paralyzed, blind, kidney failure, heart disease, the doctor would like you to Try to perform the following tasks: 1. Consume food properly. Avoid eating salty foods, avoid drinking tea and coffee, focus on eating more fish and unsweetened fruits and vegetables. Avoid sugary fruits.Without fish, you can eat other meats, but not the oily portions. Do not eat offal And does not eat animal skins Avoid eating sugary, fatty foods, salty foods, fried foods, sweets, greasy and fried snacks. Avoid foods or snacks containing coconut milk. Avoid greasy or sweetened beverages. Avoid smoking and drinking all kinds of alcoholic beverages. Reduce or avoid egg yolks, offal. All kinds of animal skins, shrimp, mollusks, crabs, squid, reduce or avoid eating sticky rice. Should eat one scoop at a time. Should reduce the consumption of starchy foods such as noodles, vermicelli noodles, taro, oily, because the starch will turn into sugar. And the sugar will turn into fat. Eating a lot of starch can lead to a lot of sugar and fat. 2. Regular exercise, walking or cycling without stopping for 1 hour *** or running continuously without stopping for half an hour. 3. Promote mental health. I only think what I think is happy. And help solve problems Optimistic Satisfied with what you have yourself, doing good, refraining from evil, worshiping monks, chanting and meditating (if knee pain Sitting in a chair) there should be stress relief. Have adequate rest And do not work too much. 4. Take medicine according to the advice of a doctor correctly and consistently. Do not miss a drug or take the drug intermittently. It will be very dangerous. 3. Accidents The elderly have accidents very often. It is very easy to prevent accidents by doing the following: 1. Use hand grips everywhere. Which has a handrail to hold. 2. Wear shoes that support firmly. Do not use high heels. This can cause accidents very often. 3. Avoid walking in places with insufficient lighting, slippery or wet floors, bathrooms, toilets, kitchens and stairs. Use a non-slip floor. 4. Avoid heavy lifting. And picking things in high places In particular, standing on the table should be avoided. Or stand on a chair To pick things up high (Should be called offspring Come to help do it instead) 5. Avoid bending down to pick things (should bend the knees down Where the back is straight first (Then pick up the stuff) 6. Make the house comfortable and safe by installing enough bright lights. Mount handrails where necessary Especially in the bathroom Make walkways open and free from clutter such as slippery carpets, power cords and telephone lines blocking the walkway. Should regularly check the condition of the corridor And stairs regularly To keep the hallways and stairs in good condition, organize things in a convenient place. And easy to reach. 7. Should have a flashlight stored in a place that is easy to reach. As well as should be near the bed. To be used at night Or when the power goes out. 8. The last thing that is very important is what you will do, will walk, run, will sit, stand, do not rush or rush. Back pain in the elderly who have frequent back pain problems Should do the following: 1. Maintain body weight, do not get fat. By avoiding sugary foods, fatty foods, fried foods, and animal organs (consuming food and beverages like those with diabetes). 2. Regular exercise. To strengthen the muscles of the back. 3. While sitting, standing or walking, keep your back straight. Keep your chest upright. 4. Choose a chair that supports your back. Sit and not sink. The back does not bend. 5. Sleep on a mattress that is quite firm. Not faint Because it will make the latter cheat But the mattress should not be too hard. 6. Avoid unnecessary heavy lifting. Children should be called to help lift them. 7. Treatment of back pain. This is most often caused by tight muscles or tendons. The treatment is very easy by using a warm cloth. Or use a hot water bag wrapped in a towel Or may use persimmon leaves to roast them warm Compress the painful area Most often they are cured. If the compress is still a lot of pain It may be taking a painkiller called paracetamol or paracetamol in conjunction with Paracetamol for the drug. If your body weight is less than 50 kilograms, take 1 tablet each, weighing 50-60 kilograms, eat one and a half (1 1/2) pill each time, but if your body weight is more than 60 kilograms, take 2 tablets at a time. Together for at least 6 hours, if the compress is done After taking paracetamol, the pain is not gone, you should go to a health center Or the hospital that is close to home as soon as possible, do not wait to get the correct treatment early. Will not be dangerous And will get well soon. 8. 5. Insomnia. People who have frequent insomnia should do the following: 1. Should practice going to bed on time 2. Should avoid sleeping in the morning or afternoon 3. Exercise. Regular body At least every other day If so, exercise should be done in the evening. Will be tired when sleeping It makes sleepy at night. 4. Read a favorite book or textbook before bedtime. 5. Make the bedroom warm. Not inactive, boring Have good ventilation. The mattress should not be too hard or too soft. 6. Read Dharma books. Pay respect to monks and chant Or meditate In order for the Dharma to help suppress the mind. 7. Avoid taking drugs. And stimulating substances such as tea, coffee, caffeine, alcoholic beverages Or energy drinks of all kinds. 8. Dinner should not eat too full. The food you eat should not be too spicy or too oily. Do not eat spicy food, pickled food. If so, you should eat soft foods such as boiled rice, porridge, etc. 9. After eating dinner. You should drink enough water. Do not drink too much water as this will cause you to urinate in the middle of the night. This will interfere with sleep. 10. Should urinate before going to bed every day. 11. Should not eat sleeping pills themselves. Without consulting a doctor Or the doctor did not order to eat Because it can cause addiction to sleeping pills, that is, if a day is not taking a sleeping pill I couldn't sleep that day. Therefore having to eat sleeping pills almost every day Which is not very good because sleeping pills are harmful to the liver Therefore, it is best to take a sleeping pill. Only when doctors prescribe, so it will be safe and will not be addicted to sleeping pills 6. Constipation Preventing constipation problems is very easy to do as follows: 1. Measure the habit of defecation at the same time every day. Or defecate for a certain time One or two defecation times a day, or two times a day is not important. The main thing is Do you have regular bowel movements? 2. Go to the toilet as soon as you feel like taking a shot. Do not hold the stool If you have a lazy habit The toilet can often cause constipation. 3. Drink a lot of water, especially when the weather is hot. Or after exercising Because they sweat a lot (Except in patients with kidney disease, heart disease, ascites, protein deficiency patients Or other patients that the doctor has ordered not to drink a lot of water Because you have to limit the amount of drinking water (You can't drink a lot of water.) 4. You should eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, especially fruits or vegetables with pulp. Or a lot of fibers. 5. Should be avoided. Drinking alcohol or alcoholic beverages, smoking, spicy food, pickled foods, joint pain relievers, praong drug, diffusion drug, pain medication set, pyranagabura drug or steroid drug. 6. Should eat food. For 7.Exercise regularly To help stimulate the intestines And makes the abdominal muscles Which helps to accelerate Strong stools So it is easy to grow out, the stomach is not tied. 8. If practice from item 1 to item 7 and still have constipation problems It is recommended to eat cassia curry. Tamarind juice, tangerine, ripe banana Which has the effect of helping to drive the defecation easier. 9. Try to avoid the use of laxatives. Because of the frequent use of laxatives Will cause automatic bowel movement mechanisms to be lost Causing constipation to follow And if constipation is caused by frequent laxatives, it is very difficult to treat. Often ends up with Have to eat laxatives every day, which is not good because all drugs are harmful to the body. 7. Knee pain, knee pain, mostly caused by osteoarthritis. Proper dietary intake will prevent even more osteoarthritis. Appropriate consumption is the same as diabetics. That had been said before. The additional and very important is that 1. Do not sit on the floor because of the lack of blood in the knee. Deteriorate faster Should sit on a chair Or sit on a carriage. 2. Should avoid going up the stairs. Or up a steep 3. Should avoid lifting heavy objects. If there is a lot of pain in the knee joint Use several folded leaves on the fire and let it warm. Or use a hot water bag wrapped in a towel Compress around the knee joint In conjunction with the use of drugs to relieve sprains In severe cases, a rubber band may be used. Wrap it from the area above the knee to the area below the joint after applying the sprain. It will help reduce pain. It is very good if there is still pain. I was given paracetamol (taking Paracetamol, see item 7 of the treatment of back pain), if the pain has not disappeared, should go to the health center. Or a hospital near the house as soon as possible 8. Dementia And paralysis of paralysis The leading cause of dementia and paralysis is diabetes, high blood pressure. Cardiovascular disease Disease, hyperlipidemia, obesity, stress, lack of exercise. Drinking alcoholic beverages And smoking, etc. For this reason, prevention does not cause dementia and paralysis. By treating and acting properly for the underlying disease There is a proper rest to relieve stress. Exercise regularly Do not drink alcohol. And don't smoke The main thing is Proper dietary intake will prevent dementia and paralysis. Appropriate consumption is the same as diabetics. That had been said before. Principles in treating patients with dementia And patients with paralysis and paralysis 1. Caretakers must always think that "Parents are the Arahant for children". The grace of parents is countless. It is extremely difficult for us to repay it all in this life. The most important and most valuable duty of man is to show gratitude to his benefactor. “If anything is to be done in return for the grace of your parents, please do it quickly while you are alive.” Phra Panya Nanthaphikkhu 2. The caretaker must understand the patient. 3. The caretaker must empower the patient (do not laugh at Do not scold the patient to be discouraged and exhausted.

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