Miang Pla Nin Phao ( Miang Pla Nin Nam Khong )


It has been a different business for over 20 years.

Raw Material

Main body 
1. Mekong tilapia 

Sauce ingredients 
1. Sugar 
2. Palm sugar 
3. Ginger 
4. Garlic 
5. Chili 
6. Fish Sauce 
7. Wet Kham 

Side dishes 
1. Ginger 
2. Garlic
3. Raw bananas 
4. Cab Pig 
5. Knomjean 
6. Tomatoes 
7. Eggplant 
8. Pickled Cabbage 
9. Galangal 
10. Lemongrass 
11. Red Onion 
12. Peanuts 
13. Salad 
14. Cha Plu leaves 
15. Cauliflower 
16. Coriander 
17. Peppermint 
18. Praew Vegetable 
19. Dill

How to do it

1. Slice the tilapia by removing the fish filling and washing it thoroughly. Tilapia is salt and burned to cook. 
2. The dipping process, add garlic, chili, ginger, tamarind into a blender. Blend thoroughly, followed by palm sugar, fish sauce, sugar, blending again until combined to get a complete burnt fish sauce 
3. Procedures for the Miang Pla Pao Chamber Start the salad or leaves, use the puma to be a side dish of your choice, put it on the leaves, use the pool or salad, followed by the fish fillet and dipping sauce.

Other Information

Highlights in raising running water Makes the fish strong and does not smell fishy, ​​it is burnt and thickens the salt, adding flavor and techniques to prevent the fish from being burned too quickly.


Value And Benefits

The benefits of tilapia 
1. Increase the function of the nervous system and brain because tilapia fish that omega-3 is no less than some deep-sea fish. Improves brain recognition And prevent dementia Or Alzheimer 
2. It has low sodium content. It is suitable to be used as food for patients with kidney disease, diabetes, high blood pressure. 
3. An important source of protein Help build strong muscles Help repair the wear and tear on the body. 
4. Very little fat Anyone who wants to eat clean For weight loss or for health, for example Patients with fat, arteriosclerosis, fatty liver can eat tilapia, a protein that is important for the body. Plus, it is also low in calories. 
5. Bright and firm skin with tilapia Because tilapia contains natural collagen Helps add moisture to the skin. 
6. Reduce the risk of miscarriage. For pregnant women And babies born are less likely to be at risk of ADHD than mothers who don't eat tilapia. 
7. Prevent cardiovascular disease because it is a fish that is good in protein, low in cholesterol and fat, and reduces the accumulation of fat in the body.

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