Pla Chum Ban Duea


The villagers raised a lot of fish in the cages. But the nourishment sent to the capitalist The capitalists set their own prices, causing the villagers to lose.

Therefore joined an activity with Chef Chumpon participating Chef Chumpon then thought of this menu. And the sauce about figs This menu has joined the cabinet activities that the Prime Minister has attended. Ah Jum, Ban Duu Cabinet.

Raw Material

1. Mekong tilapia 
2. Figs 
3. Basil 
4. Morning glory 
5. White cabbage 
6. Carrots 
7. Vermicell 
8. MushroomsFish 

1. soda 
2. Fresh milk 
3. Broth 
4. Coconut water 
5. Ginger 
6. Galangal 
7. Kaffir lime leaves 
8. Lemongrass

How to do it

1. How to prepare Mekong tilapia Cut into pieces of tilapia Pour soda and fresh milk over the fish fillets to increase the tenderness. And cut the morning glory, white cabbage, and carrot 
2. Preparation of the broth Pour the coconut water into the pot, followed by ginger, galangal, lemongrass, kaffir lime leaves, prepare the stove and make a clay pot to dip the fish in
3. Put the clay pot on top of the prepared coals. Pour the broth into the clay pot and set aside to boil. 
4. Put the prepared vegetables into the clay pot with water until boiling. Dip the marinated Mekong fish in a clay pot and take it up.

Other Information

1.Sauce made from figs 
2. Yes, the tilapia meat raised in the cages in the Mekong River makes it firm because the tilapia goes upstream Because it is a community with a location on the Mekong River. With outstanding identities such as the Mekong lifestyle, tilapia farming in cages Sauces made from figs

Supporting agency and budget 
1. Prime Minister 
2. Subdistrict Administrative Organization (SAO) 
3. Provincial Administrative Organization (PAO) 
3. Community Development Office, Nong Khai Province

Value And Benefits

The benefits of tilapia 
1. Increase the function of the nervous system and brain because tilapia fish that omega-3 is no less than some deep-sea fish. Improves brain recognition And prevent dementia Or Alzheimer's 
2. It has low sodium content. It is suitable to be used as food for patients with kidney disease, diabetes, high blood pressure. 
3. An important source of protein Help build strong muscles Help repair the wear and tear on the body. 
4. Very little fat Anyone who wants to eat clean For weight loss or for health, for example Patients with fat, arteriosclerosis, fatty liver can eat tilapia, a protein that is important for the body. Plus, it is also low in calories. 
5. Bright and firm skin with tilapia Because tilapia contains natural collagen Helps add moisture to the skin.

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