
Chulalongkorn Day

Chomthai Chakri Chao Chulalong - Korn Oei Phrakiat Charabanchongbai La, Phrathat, took the harp and sprinkled the flavor, remodeled, and blessed it through the sky.

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The word "slave" has been a familiar word for Siamese people for a period of time. Just think of the suffering of those in this state. How much will torture? And is there anyone who knows for themselves that… their ancestry has never been a slave? If not the incomparable grace of the King The King of Thailand already How many more families will there be? Or it could be ourselves. To be in a very difficult life like that Because if one of them is a slave, the great-grandchildren born later Inevitably lost the right to be free in life for a long time But because of the wisdom of the King of Thailand King Chulalongkorn Rama V has seen the importance of developing the country to prosper in the future. It is unlikely that Thai society still has a system of 'slavery' that blocks human thinking and potential. It's hard to see the problem. But solving the problem to be successful is even more difficult. But because of the love of the people and the motherland even more by life Causing his diligence in developing the country without giving up Until finally success Even though it has taken as long as 30 years Therefore, on October 23 of each year, which is Chulalongkorn Day The people of Thailand throughout the country join together to commemorate the great benevolence. Of King Chulalongkorn As the King of Thailand who brought great prosperity to the land of Siam The study of royal duties And his behavior Made him realize the miraculous genius Which is worth studying and inscribing in the land of Thailand Royal birth King Chulalongkorn His original name was "Prince Chulalongkorn". The word Chulalongkorn means hair accessory, meaning "Phra Keaw" with the image of the top of Phra Mahamongkut or Yod Chada. His Highness has a name that Somdej Phra Borommachonkanath calls “Big Father”. His Royal Highness On Tuesday, the month of 10 Ram, 3 lunar year of the Ox Benjoke falls on 20 September B.E. 2396 as the son of King Mongkut, King Rama IV and Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn (Queen Rampei Phamra) Pirom) is a great son. Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn is therefore very fond of Please take him with him every time. Prince has learned about the administration of the government. And the ethics of the King of Thailand since his youth One time, King Pinklao Second God The Royal Patula is very sick. His Highness Please call for closer Lifted his hand and stroked his head and said, "This great guy Will be a dependency among relatives " Ascend the throne On August 18, B.E. 2411, King Mongkut Somdej Phra Borommachonkanat has calculated that There will be a dark sun eclipse, the sun at 4 o'clock in the morning, 3 baht, which will be clearly seen in Wakor Subdistrict. Prachuap Khiri Khan Province At that time he traveled by boat into the dense forest. The solar eclipse occurred according to the time he had calculated in all respects. But the next day Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn suffered from severe malaria. And the Prince has stayed to watch the fever, will not leave For a night and a full day Despite the fact that he was also very ill and suffered from malaria as well Which was not long before Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn passed away Prince Prince has recovered after a period of 1 month. The royal family had a meeting together to present the throne to Her Royal Highness Princess Chulalongkorn Kromkhunpinit Prachanart Is the successor of the King of Peace Of the Royal Palace on October 1, 2411 at the age of only 15 years only Important royal duties Even though his age is still small But his far-reaching wisdom One of the most important wishes after his ascension was “Slavery”. No king had thought of this before. Because it is a problem that is extremely difficult to solve If any problem is difficult then no one wants to solve it and waste time. But this problem of slavery is a common grief that He wishes to complete. The abolition of slavery was not at all concise. His Majesty the King used a little bit of relief. To buy slaves with his personal possessions Is a number equal to His Majesty the King's Birthday in 2420, which is the tenth year of King Rama IX. Then a law was passed to determine the cost of the slave. To have a lower fee every year He used great perseverance and patience. Until all slaves were freed until the end of the country on March 31, 2448, for a period of more than 30 years Historic event In addition to the abolition of slavery Graciously pleased To cancel the Metropolitan Government Because he saw that the investigation of the judiciary according to the old method It is horrifying. And unspeakably barbaric Threatening the accused who refused to confess The royal administration to punish with pinches, nails, etc. It ended in his reign. When the land of Siam was invaded from France Until he lost the land in Assoc. 111. His Majesty the King was deeply regretful. But unable to do any better than paying heavy to be light Therefore reluctant to lose some territory to France From this crisis He realized with judgment that Contacting the association with foreign countries Contributing to the great power of colonialism to be fearful Therefore he intended to travel to Europe for the first time Which resulted in great good results in many respects During his reign It was a time when Buddhism was very prosperous. He was the King who abdicated twice as a novice and monk. When B.E. 2431, His Majesty ordered the Holy Tripitaka to be cleansed. And type in Thai characters for the first time By granting his personal property to 1,000, printed the Tripitaka 1, 000 finished and distributed throughout the kingdom In addition, His Highness also pledged to build and renovate many temples. Precious diamonds of the land of Siam Other genius His Majesty Are all things that should be studied quite a bit The close officials confirmed that His Majesty the King He is one of the most letter writers in the world. And his secretary has a great benefit to the history and education of Thailand. As can be seen from the royal essay on "Far from Home", including the essence of the European pilgrimage. He has a detailed archives of the trip Shows great ability In addition, among the Thai kings of the Chakri dynasty Which please counterfeiting, His Majesty merged with the people of the people together No one would do this as many times as possible. King Chulalongkorn Can be seen from the "Prapasat Ton" that often hides from others to know In order to know the well-being of His people In addition, His Highness also solved the problem Can eliminate all suffering With His Majesty's grace .. Although the King has passed away for more than 71 years, the majestic monument that stands towering over there. Would bow the hearts of all Thai people To remember his grace all day long.

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