Rice noodles with broth and entrails


Sold for more than 20 years since the grandmother's generation. Later it was the mother's generation. And then Bua Wan

Raw Material

1. Kanomjean
2. Pork offal, liver, kidney, intestines that have been boiled until cooked
3. Vegetables include morning glory, collapse years, long beans, sprouts, fresh green onions.
4. Clear soup, galangal, coriander root, radish, pork bone
5. Chili Sauce Seasoning

How to do it

1. Wash the innards to clean. And bring to a boil until cooked 
2. The process of making the broth Set the pot on the stove, pour water into the pot, then bring the galangal, coriander root, radish, pork bones to boil in the pot.
3. Knmjeen juice to put in a cup Then bring the boiled pork offal, cut into bite-sized pieces, put into a cup. 
4. Followed by vegetables, cabbage, long beans, bean sprouts, mint, spring onions.
5. Put the broth into a bowl and it is ready to serve.

Other Information

Fresh rice noodles, soft and smooth lines With hot broth Sweet Boiled Bone As for the fresh pork and innards Was through the boil and stew meticulously Resulting in a unique taste

Details of the sponsoring agency and the English language guarantee award

Value And Benefits

Benefits from eating pork liver 
1. Vitamin B2 makes the skin healthy, eyesight and visible in low light. 
2. Vitamin B3 makes the skin, nerves and intestines healthy. The subsystem is normal. Make the muscles work more efficiently 
3. Vitamin B5 allows the body to make the most of carbohydrates and proteins. 
4. Vitamin B6 creates new red blood cells. To the body 
5. Vitamin B12 nourishes the nerves to be strong. Make the brain work well, memory and normalize blood formation.

Benefits from eating pork kidneys
Pig kidneys contain potassium, sodium, phosphorus.When potassium and sodium work together, they help maintain balance in body water and heart function. Eating pig kidneys is beneficial to nourish the kidneys. Helps to treat genital tract disease And lowers blood pressure
Benefits from eating pork intestines
Benefits of eating pork intestines It is rich in iron and vitamin B12, which is suitable for people with iron deficiency. In addition, vitamin B12. It also helps to nourish the brain and nervous system.

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